Everybody has something to offer within this world and make his/her own impact. Our generation has technology at its fingertips which makes it really easy to reach people from around the world. The best part is that it’s a matter of minutes for you to broadcast your content. Did you ever think about using technology in that way? Have you ever thought of changing someone’s life positively?
If you are wondering why you should do it in the first place, think about the benefits you will receive. First of all it’s going to be something that you enjoy doing and therefore you will not consider it as a job. Secondly you will become more knowledgeable in the areas you already know and in areas that are connected to them, but never actually had a clue about them. You can do it as a side hustle at the beginning so wait before quitting your primary job. Also you will help others feel happier and will improve something in their lives. Even if you help only 1, 10 or 100 people you will still have made our world a better place. On top of that if you understand how online businesses work you can monetize your services and receive an extra income. I’m sure you can think of more benefits but I believe these are enough to make you consider this opportunity.

Now if you want to take this opportunity here’s how you should go about doing it:
Find your passion
The first and most important step is finding your passion. If you don’t, you cannot proceed to the next steps or if you choose to do something because it’s what most people do now you will not go far. The reason being is by doing something you are not excited about will bore you at some point, leading you to stop it and just not caring about progressing it. People will then prefer to go to someone that he/she is becoming a better coach/educator/consultant/speaker/writer as they will see the excitement in their works.
Make a plan
After you find out what you love doing, you need to think about the way you are going to transfer your ideas to others. You have to think about the platform you are going to use and in what way. Lastly how are you gonna start and continue giving value to the world? Of course you will have to be yourself in order to be authentic to others but some catchphrases, specific words you will use, your beginnings/endings in your works and dress sense will create the image that people will perceive and therefore remember you by. If you want to make sure your idea will work or not, check out this article on how to do so.
Become a master
As we said you have to think about a passion of yours before starting. However you need to have some kind of expertise on that subject otherwise it will be hard to be knowledgeable enough to help people out. If you also have experience on that matter, well even better. Try to acquire as many skills and knowledge surrounding that area from books, videos, audios, courses and mentors. At some point you will become a master of your craft.

Build the platform
Ideally you need to create a website. It’s the most professional way to show someone what you do. You also have your credentials, all the content you have created, ways they can reach you for more of your services and anything else you want to include. Moreover you can create accounts in platforms like YouTube, Patreon, and Udemy depending on the medium and the type of content you wish to provide to your audience.

Give value
No matter what you do, if your articles/videos/podcast/books are not providing value to people there’s no point even creating them. People always search for answers to their problems. Be yourself and give them the answer they are looking for with your own voice. Tell them your story and experiences. Tell them what you learnt from them and how they can use that information to their advantage. Give, give, give and you will attract more people.
Share and connect
Of course any service and product need some form of advertising to reach people and make a positive connection during the start. You need to learn how to use some of the social media platforms because they are the future of advertising and we have discussed this here. Even when you learn something, don’t stop from getting informed on social media updates because they will keep changing. You will then need to have a way on reaching the people who are really interested in your work. They are the ones that will follow you almost everywhere and will even pay you for what you provide them with. Some ideas to think about are creating a community, having an email list with automated emails by using Mailchimp or InfusionSoft, you can also call them or text them personally if they/you don’t mind.

Create more connections
Find influencers with the same niche (specific market) as yours and connect with them. They can help you build a bigger audience and reach more people. Also you get to help his/her audience or help them with a project. Collaborations are win-win cases. Try to find as many as possible and help them out first before asking them to help you, especially the ones with a lot more followers than you. In the end you also create great relationships with amazing people either near you or from around the world. Trust me it’s one of the best things that happened to me since the day I started the website.
These steps are pretty straight forward and might even seem easy but they are not. You have to be patient and never ever stop. If you really want to make it happen you have to love the process and hustle all the time. Until you create a regular routine you can handle the process and have a team or even freelancers to help you. It’s going to be hard but certainly well worth it.
Share this article to inform more people and tell us your thoughts in the comments below: What is your passion and what will your niche be? What does your plan include? Which platforms will you use? Which influencers do you think of contacting?