Technology gives us solutions to everything with new ideas and products being invented every day that we couldn’t have imagined before. However with all the benefits we get from it, we also became lazy and unproductive. Some people thought, became masters on being productive even in this fast-paced world we live in. There‘re many podcasts on how to be more productive, but these people are the ones that I personally find helpful.

ACE Productivity
The first productivity podcast I listened to, and probably my favourite one. It even got me hooked to the others. The vibe you get from the host, Timothy Moser, gets you excited to change your life in a positive way. The ideas on how to live a proactive life and on accelerating the way you learn are practical. Last but not least I find the way he tells these ideas so great because he uses real-life examples and that makes things even more actionable. He gives you all these goodies based on a framework which his podcast is also named after, the “ACE” framework. It stands for Approach, Choice, and Execution. But I won’t tell you more about them (each word has its own principles) so you can check it out by yourself.

The Life Upgrades - The Productivity Productivity

The Productivity Podcast
This one is hosted by Paul Minors and except productivity; it also includes self-improvement and time management. Sometimes you get to listen to his ideas on these matters and sometimes to other people who have knowledge on the subjects, because Paul interviews others every now and then. Also in his website you can subscribe in his 7-day productivity plan (which I did and I think you should too). The man is knowledgeable and that’s why he got featured in many other well-known websites and apps like Productivityist, Lifehack and Evernote. He provides you with free resources that include book summaries of some of the best books in the world and suggestions on productivity tools. And the last thing that really got my attention is his Star Wars references all the time, which you should know by now that I’m a big fan.

The Life Upgrades - The Power Up Productivity

The Productivity Power Up Podcast
Now this one has a few differences from the others. Firstly it’s hosted by a dynamic duo instead of one person. Secondly they are 2 hostess called Vickie Velasquez and Larissa Galenes. And thirdly because they are two people talking about their ideas and experiences, you get to hear 2 different approaches on how to be productive in your daily life. What I like about this podcast, except of the energy these two ladies transmit, it’s the straight-to-point and easy-to-use productivity hacks. Plus something else that you don’t find in the other ones is that they provide you with a quote from a great thinker in the end of the show.

The Life Upgrades - First Things Practical Productivity

First Things Practical Productivity
I learned about this podcast from ACE productivity podcast. It’s hosted by Brandon Vaughn. This guy has a PhD; he is a musician and public speaker. As you can see he is a well-rounded man and that’s what his podcast look like. You will get longer episodes in this podcast than the others, but it includes practical solutions on productivity, efficiency, life balance, passions and happiness. Mostly in his episodes you will listen to his ideas, but sometimes he interviews other productive people on their insights. So if you need actionable tips on living your life to the fullest in general and not only for productivity, then you should consider subscribing to his podcast too.

Now you have another 4 great podcast suggestions to add in your collection to help you become more productive. Do your research and find the ones that you like and find useful because as we said before there are plenty on this category, but make sure to check these 4 out also.

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