The Life Upgrades - Digital World

Digital Productivity Tips

Productivity helps us speed up in a more efficient way our life. It’s like a superpower which can be acquired by any…

The Life Upgrades - Morning Routines

How To Create Better Morning Routines

First of all, I know most of you might think:Why should I want to wake up early in the morning instead of keep…

The Life Upgrades - Be productive

Why And How To Be Productive

A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article on 4 productivity podcasts to help you improve on that. This time I’m gonna…

The Life Upgrades - Productivity Podcasts

Top 4 Productivity Podcasts

Technology gives us solutions to everything with new ideas and products being invented every day that we couldn’t have…

The Life Upgrades - Sitting is Bad

Why Sitting Is Bad For You

​Maybe you read it in another article or heard it in a podcast or video. The last few months sitting became a subject…