How To Build Habits And Stay Motivated
September 28, 2015
We all want to have awesome bodies, do more work for something we love, study for the exams to get good grades, eat…
Why Sitting Is Bad For You
September 7, 2015
Maybe you read it in another article or heard it in a podcast or video. The last few months sitting became a subject…
How To Get A Six-pack
August 24, 2015
As the years went by I have met hundreds of people from various countries. Even though they have completely different…
Benefits Of Cold Showers
July 20, 2015
Probably some of you might have heard that cold showers have benefits. You couldn’t believe it and you thought:How…
Why And How To Improve Sleep
July 6, 2015
A couple of years ago I hated when it was time to sleep. And the reason? Many times I had to walk around the house or…
Why And How To Make A Relationship Last
June 29, 2015
Humans always searched and still do for love. They want to find that someone that he or she is perfect for them. That’s…
What Is Critical Thinking?
June 2, 2015
We talked before about how we can improve our brain activity resulting in thinking faster and better. However what is…
What Is Minimalism?
May 25, 2015
Minimalism has been around for thousands of years, but still up to now is practiced by many people. Actually as the…
Why And How To Overcome Your Fear
May 11, 2015
We all have something that really scares us and that is because it’s part of who we are. Fear is one of the most common…
Why And How To Increase Brain Activity
April 20, 2015
Since we were young kids for many of us, one of the superpowers we always wanted to have is using 100% of our brains.…
Meditation Benefits and Practices
February 20, 2015
Meditation is like the brother of fitness. Without meditating and just working out, you are not a complete whole.…
How To Improve Your Sex Life
January 21, 2015
A relationship between two people must be strong, trustworthy and genuine. However their love life is also important,…