The Life Upgrades - Texting

How Both Sexes Should Communicate Better Via Texting

Few things can beat the thrill of meeting someone face to face and having a good chat. Whether you’re on a first date,…

The Life Upgrades - Impact

Why And How To Impact The World

Everybody has something to offer within this world and make his/her own impact. Our generation has technology at its…

The Life Upgrades - Positive Minion

How To Be Positive

Each day scientists and engineers all around the world convert their ideas into reality. They create new medicines and…

The Life Upgrades - More likeable

How To Be More Likeable

Last month we talked about a few tips on how to become more attractive towards others. Different ways can drastically…

The Life Upgrades - Toxic People

How To Deal With Toxic People

We have previously discussed what people are always searching for, the connection with other human beings. Whether they…

The Life Upgrades - Body Language

Body Language Basics

Whether you like it or not, in human interactions body language matters more than words. Actually scientists found out…

The Life Upgrades - Learn more

How To Learn More

The only factor which makes humans different from other living beings is the power to use their brains to the fullest.…

The Life Upgrades - New year, new beginning

New Year, New Beginning

Another year went by and it’s like something new starts. We will have a New Year with new experiences, new…

The Life Upgrades - Morning Routines

How To Create Better Morning Routines

First of all, I know most of you might think:Why should I want to wake up early in the morning instead of keep…

The Life Upgrades - Improve your Style

6 Simple Ways To Improve Your Style

Most people have hard time improving their style for two reasons. Either because they don’t know how to match their…

The Life Upgrades - Be productive

Why And How To Be Productive

A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article on 4 productivity podcasts to help you improve on that. This time I’m gonna…

The Life Upgrades - Break Up

Why And How To Break Up

Probably most of you when you saw the title thought: “Why would I want to break up?” And I’m not saying that everyone…