The Life Upgrades - Gold Buddhas Thailand

Trip To Thailand

Every year I spend the Christmas holidays with my family and friends at home. But this year an opportunity for a trip…

The Life Upgrades - Learning, Workout

Learning From Various Sources

Probably you have heard from multiple people that the only way to become the best in what you do whether is your job or…

The Life Upgrades - Life-upgrading tips

Top 9 Life-Upgrading Tips

People are always trying to find the easy way to do things. They are looking for that special item or service that will…

The Life Upgrades - Martial Arts

Top 8 Martial Arts

Martial arts are considered very important depending on the culture of each person. Depending on someone’s age, older…

The Life Upgrades - Beach-Body

Building A Beach-Body

Summer is almost here and I’m sure most of you are trying to build that perfectly symmetrical beach-body. Even though…

The Life Upgrades - Fitness YouTube Channels

Top 6 Fitness YouTube Channels

Until now we mentioned plenty of great podcasts on productivity and entrepreneurship. For this article I wanted to…

The Life Upgrades - Morning Routines

How To Create Better Morning Routines

First of all, I know most of you might think:Why should I want to wake up early in the morning instead of keep…

The Life Upgrades - Great Hobbies Photograpy

60 Great Hobbies

People differ one from the other in what they like to do in their lives. Of course some individuals like similar things…

The Life Upgrades - Boost your Metabolism

4 Ways to Boost your Metabolism

People get obsessed with losing fat and sometimes they take things too far in order to achieve that. In some cases they…

The Life Upgrades - Build Habits, Stay Motivated

How To Build Habits And Stay Motivated

We all want to have awesome bodies, do more work for something we love, study for the exams to get good grades, eat…

The Life Upgrades - Six Pack

How To Get A Six-pack

As the years went by I have met hundreds of people from various countries. Even though they have completely different…

The Life Upgrades - Improve Sleep

Why And How To Improve Sleep

A couple of years ago I hated when it was time to sleep. And the reason? Many times I had to walk around the house or…