The Life Upgrades - Learn more

How To Learn More

The only factor which makes humans different from other living beings is the power to use their brains to the fullest.…

The Life Upgrades - Movies and Books

14 Movies To Watch And 14 Books To Read

There are so many great movies and books but there are some that they are awesome because of their storyline and the…

The Life Upgrades - Entrepreneurship Podcasts

Another 5 Entrepreneurship Podcasts

A few months ago I listed my Top 7 Entrepreneurship Podcasts. Because there are so many great podcasts about…

The Life Upgrades - New year, new beginning

New Year, New Beginning

Another year went by and it’s like something new starts. We will have a New Year with new experiences, new…

The Life Upgrades - Morning Routines

How To Create Better Morning Routines

First of all, I know most of you might think:Why should I want to wake up early in the morning instead of keep…

The Life Upgrades - Improve your Style

6 Simple Ways To Improve Your Style

Most people have hard time improving their style for two reasons. Either because they don’t know how to match their…

The Life Upgrades - Be productive

Why And How To Be Productive

A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article on 4 productivity podcasts to help you improve on that. This time I’m gonna…

The Life Upgrades - Break Up

Why And How To Break Up

Probably most of you when you saw the title thought: “Why would I want to break up?” And I’m not saying that everyone…

The Life Upgrades - Great Hobbies Photograpy

60 Great Hobbies

People differ one from the other in what they like to do in their lives. Of course some individuals like similar things…

The Life Upgrades - Productivity Podcasts

Top 4 Productivity Podcasts

Technology gives us solutions to everything with new ideas and products being invented every day that we couldn’t have…

The Life Upgrades - Connect with People

Where should you and shouldn’t you go to connect with people

There are many leisure places we can choose from according to what we like to do for fun. However not all of these…

The Life Upgrades - Starting new job

Starting at a New Job

​Recently I got a new job to save some extra money and get more experience. It was something new and that’s why I had…