People differ one from the other in what they like to do in their lives. Of course some individuals like similar things to others, but they still don’t share the exact passion for everything. So except from the most common hobbies like football and basketball, did you ever think about trying something new for a change? Here are a few ideas.
Sports and Outdoors
- Volleyball
- Archery
- Different types of Martial arts
- Running marathons
- Cycling
- Swimming
- Skateboarding
- Paintball
- Golf
- Handball
- Squash
- Baseball
- Rugby
- Cricket
- Tennis
- Table tennis
- Yoga

Extreme Sports
- Skydiving
- Surfing
- Kite surfing
- Kite flying
- Scuba diving
- Canoeing/kayaking
- Parkour/Free running
- Skiing
- Rock climbing
- Snowboarding
- Windsurfing

- Sewing
- Knitting
- Jewelry making
- Pottery
- Wood carving
- Wood working
- Knife making

Intellectual Hobbies
- Reading
- Chess
- Backgammon
- Card games
- Sudoku
- Astronomy
- Strategy games and video games
- Learning from videos or courses
- Solving puzzles/puzzle games

Foods and Drinks
- Cooking
- Baking
- Whisky/ey tasting
- Wine tasting
- Mixology/bartending
- Beer brewing

- Photography
- Different types of Dancing
- Play an instrument
- Blogging
- Video making
- Podcasting
- Meditation
- Drawing
- Calligraphy
- Graffiti

Those are 60 some great ideas to try out, which will broaden your horizons. Some will challenge you physically and some mentally. Choose the ones that you like or you might like doing and do your research before starting them. Some of them need equipment and proper training, especially the extreme sports. If you find interests that your loved ones love doing together, even better. Be open to new ideas and have fun in your free time.
Share this article to inform more people and tell us your thoughts in the comments below: What are your hobbies? Which ones did you try from the list above? Do you have more to suggest? What do these hobbies offer you by practicing them (skills, entertainment, knowledge, etc.)?